K|A|S|H| L|I|G|H|T|S
Pioneers In 3D Sign Making
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Established in the year 2010 “Kash Lights” has entered as the pioneers and the only 3d signage manufacturers and suppliers in the valley of Kashmir. In a very short span of time we have established our roots very strongly in market. We are committed towards the high quality signage and believe in true transparency and honesty towards our customers. At, Kash Lights Advertising Services, We believe that quality always stand ahead. We have an experience along with motivated, self-confident and Professionals support team. We are committed to deliver our client not only our best services but our best bond with quality. There is no comparison of our services and solutions in market as per quality, cost-efficiency and on time commitment. At Kash Lights, you always get beyond expectations. Outdoor Advertising includes different modules right from human resourses to technology and ideal management as per money, communication, co-ordination, designing, production and satisfaction about work.“Kash Lights Advertising Serices, speaks itself”
About us
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Email: sales@kashlights.com